Planters compared

Letter C black and white scroll (2)


Letter A black and white scroll (2)


Letter R black and white scroll


Letter E black and white scroll


Strawberry plantPlanter on a chair (1)


Planter on a chair (2)Gardeners-revolution-tomato-planter


“Yours truly” loves to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. (Have you heard that old expression before?) Last year I created two strawberry planters from milk crates. Coco fiber (for hanging baskets) lines the crate. Lots of ventilation for the roots!! ~~ Have you seen the advertisements in garden catalogs for similar tomato planters? (Not exactly, but the same idea?) Look at the price!! Buy the planter, casters and support and it will cost you $75.00. I could have easily planted tomatoes and used the back of the chair for support!! Other than the cost of strawberry plants, I had zero expense!!


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